What Is Coffee With Chicory?

Coffee with chicory is a blend of coffee beans and roasted chicory root, creating a unique flavor profile. Chicory adds a slightly bitter, earthy taste to the coffee and can also reduce caffeine content. This combination is popular in New Orleans-style coffee and some European traditions.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, consumed by millions every day. But have you ever heard of coffee with chicory? This lesser-known beverage has a long history and unique flavor that coffee enthusiasts should definitely try.

In this article, we’ll explore what exactly coffee with chicory is, its origins, and how it’s made. So grab a cup of your favorite brew and let’s dive into the world of coffee with chicory!

History of Chicory in Coffee

During the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, there was a shortage of coffee due to blockades and trade restrictions. Chicory root was roasted and ground up to be mixed with what little coffee beans were available, creating an alternative beverage that tasted similar to pure coffee.

This practice continued during World War I when Germany faced another blockade that prevented them from importing enough coffee beans. The Germans turned to chicory as an alternative once again, which led many other countries in Europe and beyond also adopting this trend.

In the United States, chicory became popular during the Civil War when Union soldiers had limited access to fresh supplies of food or drink while stationed in New Orleans. They discovered that adding roasted chicory root made their meager rations go further without sacrificing flavor.

Origins and History of Chicory

The ancient Egyptians used chicory for its healing properties, while the Romans roasted the root and used it as a coffee substitute during times of scarcity.

In France, chicory became popular during Napoleon’s reign when he imposed an embargo on British goods including coffee. Chicory roots were then roasted and ground to create an alternative beverage that tasted similar to coffee but was cheaper.

During World War II, when coffee supplies were scarce in Europe once again due to trade disruptions caused by war efforts, people turned back to chicory as a substitute. This led to increased cultivation of the plant across many European countries.

Today, chicory is still widely consumed throughout Europe and has gained popularity in other parts of the world such as New Orleans-style coffee blends.

Chicory Cultivation and Processing

It’s grown in many parts of the world, including Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia. The chicory root is harvested in autumn when it reaches maturity after growing for about six months.

After harvesting the roots are washed thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris before being sliced into small pieces. These slices are then roasted until they turn dark brown and become crispy.

The roasting process brings out chicory’s unique flavor profile while also reducing its bitterness slightly. Once roasted, the chicory can be ground up into a fine powder or left as slices depending on how it will be used.

In addition to being used as an ingredient in coffee blends like New Orleans-style coffee or French café au lait; Chicory root has also been traditionally consumed as a tea substitute due to its health benefits such as aiding digestion and promoting liver function.

Blending Coffee With Chicory

The two ingredients complement each other, creating a unique flavor profile that many people enjoy. To make this blend, roasted and ground chicory root is added to coffee beans before brewing.

The ratio of coffee to chicory can vary depending on personal preference and the desired strength of the brew. Some blends may have as little as 10% chicory while others can go up to 50%.

It’s important to note that adding too much chicory can result in an overpowering taste.

Blending coffee with chicory also has practical benefits beyond just taste. Chicory contains inulin, which acts as a natural prebiotic and aids digestion by promoting healthy gut bacteria growth.

It reduces caffeine content which makes it ideal for those who are sensitive or looking for an alternative option.

Traditional Brews: New Orleans and Café Du Monde

This style of coffee has a long history dating back to the Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off access to green beans, forcing locals to get creative with their brews. They began adding roasted chicory root as a substitute for traditional coffee beans, creating a unique flavor that became popular throughout the city.

Today, one of the most iconic places in New Orleans for this style of coffee is Café du Monde. Established in 1862, it’s been serving up beignets and café au lait made with half-and-half milk and chicory-infused dark roast since its inception.

The result is an indulgent treat that pairs perfectly with powdered sugar-dusted beignets.

Flavor Profile and Comparisons

Chicory adds a slightly bitter, earthy taste to the coffee, which can be an acquired taste for some. The bitterness of chicory is often compared to dark chocolate or black tea.

Compared to regular coffee, chicory coffee is less acidic and has a smoother mouthfeel. It also contains less caffeine than traditional coffee since the roasted root of the plant naturally reduces caffeine content.

Chicory blends well with different types of beans such as Arabica or Robusta creating various flavor profiles depending on their origin and roast level. Some people prefer their blend with more robusta beans for stronger flavors while others opt for arabica beans that have lighter notes.

The Taste of Chicory Coffee

Chicory adds a slightly bitter, earthy flavor to the brew, which can be an acquired taste for some. The bitterness comes from the natural compounds in chicory root called sesquiterpene lactones that stimulate our taste buds differently than caffeine does.

Chicory coffee has a smoother mouthfeel compared to regular coffee due to its lower acidity levels. It also has a nutty undertone that complements the roasted notes of the beans.

When blended with dark roast beans, chicory can add depth and complexity to your cup of joe. Some people even prefer it over traditional black coffee because it’s less acidic and easier on their stomachs.

Health Benefits of Chicory Root

It contains inulin, a type of soluble fiber that promotes digestive health by feeding the beneficial bacteria in your gut. In addition to its prebiotic properties, chicory root also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Studies have shown that consuming chicory root can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it potentially beneficial for people with diabetes or at risk of developing the disease. Chicory may also help reduce cholesterol levels and promote heart health.

Furthermore, some research suggests that chicory root extract may have cancer-fighting properties due to its ability to inhibit tumor growth and induce cell death in cancer cells.

Health Benefits of Chicory Coffee

It contains inulin, a type of soluble fiber that promotes gut health by feeding the beneficial bacteria in your digestive system. In addition to its prebiotic properties, chicory root is also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

When blended with coffee, chicory can provide additional benefits to your morning cup of joe. For example, it can help reduce caffeine content while still providing an energy boost thanks to its own natural stimulants.

Studies have shown that drinking coffee with chicory may also help regulate blood sugar levels and improve liver function. Some research suggests that consuming chicory root extract may aid weight loss efforts by reducing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness.

Caffeine Content in Chicory Coffee

One of the most significant differences between chicory coffee and regular coffee is caffeine content. Chicory root contains no caffeine, which means that when blended with coffee beans, it can reduce the overall amount of caffeine in your cup.

The exact amount of caffeine in chicory coffee depends on how much actual ground beans are used in the blend. Generally speaking, a cup of chicory-infused brew will contain about 25% less caffeine than traditional drip or espresso-based coffees.

For those who are sensitive to high levels of caffeine or looking for an alternative beverage option later in the day, chicory may be an excellent choice as it provides a similar taste without causing jitters or sleeplessness associated with too much stimulation from caffeinated drinks.

Selecting the Best Chicory Coffee Brands

First and foremost, look for high-quality beans that have been roasted properly. This will ensure that you get the full flavor of both the coffee and chicory.

Another important factor is to consider where the beans come from. Some regions are known for producing better quality coffee than others, so do your research before making a purchase.

You may also want to read reviews or ask other coffee enthusiasts for recommendations on their favorite brands of chicory coffee. This can help you narrow down your options and find a brand that suits your taste preferences.

Ultimately, finding the best chicory coffee brand is all about personal preference.

Where to Buy Chicory Coffee

Many specialty coffee shops and online retailers now offer blends of coffee and chicory, making it easier than ever to try this unique beverage.

One popular brand of chicory coffee is Café du Monde, which has been serving up its signature blend since 1862 in New Orleans. You can purchase their pre-ground blend or whole bean bags online or at select grocery stores.

Another option for purchasing chicory coffee is through local roasters who may offer their own blends. Check out your nearest specialty shop or farmers market to see if they carry any varieties.

Online retailers such as Amazon also have a wide selection of brands offering different ratios of coffee and roasted ground chicory root powder. Be sure to read reviews before purchasing to find the best quality product for your taste buds.

Brewing Methods for Chicory Coffee

One popular method is using a French press or plunger pot. Simply add your desired amount of coffee and chicory blend to the press, pour hot water over it, stir gently, let steep for 4-5 minutes before pressing down on the plunger.

Another option is using a drip coffee maker or percolator. Add your desired amount of blend into the filter basket along with regular ground coffee beans (if preferred), then run water through as usual.

For those who prefer cold brews in summer months; mix equal parts coarse-ground chicory root and medium-roast ground Arabica beans in a large jar filled with cold filtered water overnight (12-24 hours) at room temperature before straining out solids through cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve.

How to Make Chicory Coffee

To make your own cup of chicory coffee, you will need to start with roasted and ground chicory root. You can find this at specialty stores or online retailers.

To brew the coffee, mix one part ground chicory root with two parts coarsely ground coffee beans in a French press or drip machine. Add hot water and let it steep for several minutes before pressing or filtering out the grounds.

For an even stronger flavor, you can increase the amount of chicory used in your blend. Experimenting with different ratios will help you find your perfect balance between bitterness and sweetness.

Chicory coffee pairs well with milk or creamer if desired but also tastes great black.

Brewing Tips for Chicory Coffee

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Use fresh beans: As with regular coffee, using freshly roasted and ground beans will give you the best flavor.

2. Adjust your ratio: The amount of chicory used in blends can vary widely, so experiment with different ratios until you find what works for your taste buds.

3. Brew time and temperature: Chicory coffee is often brewed at a lower temperature than regular coffee (around 190-200°F) and may require longer steeping times (up to 10 minutes).

4. Filter carefully: Because chicory grounds are finer than most coffees, they can easily slip through filters or clog French presses if not handled properly.

5. Experiment with additives: While many people enjoy their chicory coffee black or with milk/sugar like traditional brews such as New Orleans-style café au lait; others add spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for an extra kick of flavor.

Popular Chicory Coffee Recipes

One popular recipe is the New Orleans-style café au lait, which combines equal parts brewed coffee and steamed milk. Another classic recipe is the Café du Monde’s famous beignets paired with a cup of their signature chicory coffee.

For those who prefer iced beverages, a refreshing option is an iced chicory latte made by mixing cold brew concentrate or strong brewed coffee/chicory blend with milk or creamer over ice.

Chicory can also be added as a flavoring agent in baked goods such as cakes and cookies for an earthy twist on traditional desserts.

With its unique taste profile, adding chicory to your favorite beverage or dessert can elevate it into something truly special.

DIY Chicory Coffee At Home

All you need is roasted chicory root and your favorite coffee beans. You can find roasted chicory root online or in health food stores.

To make the blend, mix one part ground roasted chicory root with two parts ground coffee beans. Adjust the ratio to suit your taste preferences.

Brewing methods for DIY chicory coffee are similar to regular brewed coffee. You can use a drip machine, French press or pour-over method.

One thing to keep in mind when brewing with homemade blends is that they may require different brewing times than regular coffees due to differences in grind size and density of ingredients used.

Potential Side Effects and Allergies

Chicory root contains inulin, a type of fiber that can cause digestive issues such as bloating and gas in some individuals. Those with ragweed allergies may also be allergic to chicory.

It’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new food or drink if you have concerns about potential reactions. If you do experience any adverse effects after consuming coffee with chicory, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

While there are potential risks associated with consuming coffee blended with chicory root for most people it is safe when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


Is chicory coffee stronger than regular coffee?

No, chicory coffee is not stronger than regular coffee in terms of caffeine content, but it does have a higher percentage of soluble extractive matter, which can make it appear and taste stronger.

What is the purpose of chicory in coffee?

The purpose of chicory in coffee is to serve as a caffeine-free substitute with a similar flavor and potential health benefits, such as blood sugar control and improved bowel movements.

What is the difference between regular coffee and chicory coffee?

A: The difference between regular coffee and chicory coffee is that regular coffee is made from coffee beans, while chicory coffee is made from the roots of the chicory plant.

What are the pros and cons of chicory coffee?

Pros of chicory coffee include being a healthy, caffeine-free alternative with a caramel-like flavor, and a low-calorie sweetener; cons include potential bloating and flatulence when consumed in excess.

How does the taste of chicory coffee compare to that of regular coffee?

Chicory coffee tastes similar to regular coffee but with a slightly nutty or caramelized flavor.

What are the potential health benefits of adding chicory to coffee?

Potential health benefits of adding chicory to coffee include improved digestion, reduced blood sugar levels, and increased liver health.

How did the tradition of combining chicory with coffee originate?

The tradition of combining chicory with coffee originated during the 19th century when French coffee supply was affected by blockades imposed by Napoleon, leading to the need for an alternative to stretch coffee supplies.