15 Low Calorie Snacks for Healthy Eating Options

Discover a variety of low-calorie snack ideas that are both satisfying and nutritious.

Zucchini Chips

zucchini chips

Zucchini chips offer a flavorful, crunchy alternative to traditional snack chips, boasting significantly fewer calories. They are ideal for satisfying salt cravings without derailing your diet.

Kale Chips

kale chips

Kale chips deliver a satisfying crunch and are an excellent source of vitamins A, K, and C. They offer a low-calorie alternative to traditional snack chips, packing intense flavor with minimal calories.

Celery With Almond Butter

celery with almond butter

Celery with almond butter offers a satisfying crunch paired with a creamy, protein-rich spread. This snack is a smart choice for those watching their calorie intake, providing essential nutrients without excess calories.

Cucumber Slices With Hummus

cucumber slices with hummus

Cucumber slices paired with hummus offer a refreshing and satisfying crunch with each bite. This combination delivers a wholesome dose of hydration and protein, ideal for a low-calorie snack option.

Air-popped Popcorn

air popped popcorn

Air-popped popcorn is a light and voluminous snack that satisfies cravings with minimal calories. It contains no added oils, making it a healthier alternative to traditionally prepared popcorn.

Frozen Grapes

frozen grapes

Frozen grapes offer a refreshing and naturally sweet treat without adding unnecessary calories. This simple snack can help satisfy sugar cravings while contributing to hydration.

Carrot Sticks With Tzatziki Sauce

carrot sticks with tzatziki sauce

Carrot sticks with tzatziki sauce offer a refreshing crunch coupled with creamy, tangy flavors. This snack is not only low in calories but also provides a good source of dietary fiber and protein.

Apple Slices With Peanut Butter

apple slices with peanut butter

Apple slices topped with a dollop of peanut butter combine the crisp freshness of fruit with the creamy richness of nut butter. This snack offers a satisfying balance of natural sugars and healthy fats, keeping you full while staying low in calories.

Seaweed Snacks

seaweed snacks

Seaweed snacks are a crispy, low-calorie option rich in vitamins and minerals. Their savory umami flavor satisfies cravings without adding excess calories.

Cherry Tomatoes With Mozzarella Balls

cherry tomatoes with mozzarella balls

Cherry tomatoes paired with mozzarella balls offer a refreshing and low-calorie option, ideal for a quick snack. Each serving provides a good balance of hydration and protein, supporting satiety without excessive calories.

Watermelon Cubes With Feta

watermelon cubes with feta

Watermelon cubes topped with feta offer a refreshing and sweet-salty snack pairing. This combination is not only flavorful but also low in calories, making it a perfect choice for a light, nutritious option.

Edamame Pods

edamame pods

Edamame pods offer a protein-rich snacking option with about 120 calories per half-cup serving. They satisfy hunger effectively while providing essential nutrients and fiber.

Greek Yogurt With Berries

greek yogurt with berries

Greek yogurt with berries offers a creamy texture paired with a sweet burst, making it a satisfying low-calorie snack. High in protein and fiber, it helps keep you full longer while curbing sugar cravings.

Caprese Salad Skewers

caprese salad skewers

Caprese salad skewers offer a fresh and flavorful option that combines cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves. This snack is visually appealing and delivers a good balance of protein and vitamins while keeping calories low.

Bell Pepper Slices With Guacamole

bell pepper slices with guacamole

Bell pepper slices paired with guacamole offer a crunchy, satisfying snack that’s low in calories and high in nutrients. This combination provides a good source of dietary fiber and healthy fats, making it an ideal choice for mindful snacking.